Forty young performers, aged between 10 and 16 years old, attended our new member auditions on Sunday 24 April, 2016. Each participant performed one of the songs and one of the dance routines he or she had previously learnt at the two audition workshops as well as a short monologue of their own choosing. The panel were impressed by the overall quality of the individual auditions but only had 11 places to fill. On the following Tuesday evening, those who were successful on this occasion, attended the first music rehearsal for the November 2016 production of Legally Blonde.
Dates of the 2017 new member auditions will be posted on this website as soon as they are confirmed, together with an online form to sign up for the workshops. The dates will also be published in the programme for the 2017 WOW Show (April 20-22) and posted on our Facebook page.